So i went out in the field with a co student today. shes was looking for short head garter snakes and mountain earth snakes for the study.
we ended up finding 7 different species (72 total), ringneck snakes galore, red bellied snakes, a northern water snake, brown snakes, common garter snakes, smooth green snake and shorthead garter snakes. the last two where new species for me.
this was the best day for snakes for me ever, all in about a 4-500 meter stretch of hill along a 2 lane road, never more than 10 meters off the side.
no pictures of the ring necks since i see them alot, or of the northern water snake (look at my other post if you want to see one) or the red bellied.
Common Garter snake
i wasn't even looking in view finder when i took this one, just held it down low and snapped.
Smooth Green (new for me!)
Brown snake
Shorthead garter snake, endemic to north western pa (little bit in NY) and a species of concern.