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  1. #1
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Should we start a Post Processing Thread?

    Back in the day, darkroom techniques used to be a HUGE part of photography. Since digital post processing has effectively replaced the need for a darkroom, I'm wondering why there hasn't been too many questions about it. We tend to discuss equipment, specs, and such but generally gloss over the post processing aspect.

    I'm by no means an expert on photoshop techniques but perhaps if everyone shares something, we as a whole can benefit tremendously. I know I have lots to learn myself.

    What do you think? Start a thread where anyone can post an image solely for P.P. editing? I'd like to keep it in this forum and limit it only to N/W stuff.

    Also, we need to consider that if we do this, it is only for educational purposes and not, for example, for someone just to get help so that an image can be sold.

    Let me know.
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  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: Should we start a Post Processing Thread?

    It is an interesting idea, but how would it differ significantly from all the other post processing information that is regularly discussed in two or three other forums here at PR?

    For the high ISO needed sometimes for nature shots in 'iffy' light, Noise Reduction is my biggest friend.

    I'd be interested perhaps to know how much post work some photographer's do with N&W shots or how much they think is justified? Several photographers are loathe to crop but they will pull out every other trick they can. Go figure.

    There is probably enough variation in requirements in different types of images (animals vs. landscapes vs insects etc) that the overall techniques as needed are better left in specific forums, or we could have posts that go on for pages about variations in post-processing variations. If you don't believe it, look at what happens in some Photo Critique entries.

    If someone wants to know, ask, and if someone is particularly proud of the end result, post a before and after as part of the post.

    There was also a huge discussion about editing others work as well. The consensus became that each individual would make it known whether or not they wanted their image(s) edited at all.

    I'd leave it on a case by case basis as to whether someone wants to know, is willing to go through all the steps they took, etc.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
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    Re: Should we start a Post Processing Thread?

    i think there needs to be a how to forum, or section of PR that just has how to do XXXXXX in photoshop, limited responses, and people can write up how to do certain things like cloning etc. could exen expand it past PS to other common programs.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Copy_Kot's Avatar
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    Re: Should we start a Post Processing Thread?

    I think it is a great idea, especially after seeing what Loupey did with my bee, and Bevb's spider pictures. I also think to get advise from the more experienced people here who share an interest specifically in nature photography would be a huge bonus to this section of the board.

  5. #5
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: Should we start a Post Processing Thread?

    CDP, I agree with you on all your points and I realize that there are specific critique and imaging forums which should address these issues. But, like you mentioned, some of the endless droning and philosophical interpretations that goes on there are not very helpful IMO (unless one simply likes to argue )

    On the one hand, my goal here is to help as many people as we can and perhaps a simple how-to or before/after thread can do that without it becoming a debate thread.

    But on the other hand, yeah I can see this getting carried away and us starting more threads like N/W critique, N/W help, N/W equipment, ... forums within a forum - and we do not want that.

    Keeping it simple is the best. Do it on a case by case basis - the original poster should be very specific when asking for advice whether he/she is wanting a critique, post processing help, or other.

    As I mentioned in another thread, I don't generally like to give specific advice on someone's thread unless advice is asked of.

    Thanks for the input guys.
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