Got a sunny day today and so went out to pay the goshawks a visit. A little bit of patience later, got the opportunity to witness how a goshawk eats its lunch. I've taken more than 250 shots until it got tired of us and took off. And my card was almost full, too. At one point I believe I was within thirty feet from it. I was one of the six there. I managed to grab a couple of shots when it took off from a tree and dove towards that poor american wigeon. I didn't see the moment the hawk caught the duck though as the trees were in the way :mad2: :mad2:

Here's some of the shots for now:

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	American Wigeon for lunch pr.jpg 
Views:	1293 
Size:	168.7 KB 
ID:	62749

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	American Wigeon for lunch 2 pr.jpg 
Views:	1805 
Size:	171.1 KB 
ID:	62750

The goshawk was very aware of our presence around it (it was an open area). I was the nearest one, and it did take the effort in the middle of the lunch to look into my lens Take a look at its throat/chest area:

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Face to face_with a Goshawk and its meal pr.jpg 
Views:	1681 
Size:	189.3 KB 
ID:	62753

Finally it took off and left. It flew by me but was too close for my prime lens and for me to adjust my position. This I think is the best I got:

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Goshawk leaving with meal pr.jpg 
Views:	6867 
Size:	187.3 KB 
ID:	62752

Some of the photos I'm thinking may not be comfortable for some of you and so I chose not to post them.