2 Attachment(s)
Bufflehead in flight
Not sure if those two guys were trying to catch some shots of the hooded mergansers or the buffleheads in the pond. One thing was clear, none of them wanted to stay long enough for the photogs. The photogs went one way, the birds went the other. I was there just at the right time to take full advantage of the situations. Don't know if those two fellows got their shots though. I certainly got mine, unexpectedly.
Attachment 63496
Attachment 63497
Before I could settle down, the bufflehead just started its run and take off. So I had no choice but to pan and fire off a few Hail Mary shots. Sometimes I'm really amazed by the AF of the D300. They're not tack sharp but still I'm happy with the results considering the situations. These are full frame of two consecutive shots. Too bad about the hot spots though.
Re: Bufflehead in flight
Those are super, great capture with the water droplets frozen in the air.
Re: Bufflehead in flight
You done a very nice job.
Re: Bufflehead in flight
Good shots, AgingEyes! :thumbsup:
They look sharp enough to me, and I agree with scott-devon, those "frozen" water droplets are a great touch.
Re: Bufflehead in flight
I know full well how hard it is to get shots of this quality. Way to go.
Re: Bufflehead in flight
Excellent job tracking and panning!
Especially since these are uncropped :thumbsup:
Re: Bufflehead in flight
Good Capture AA , i should have enough saved for a D300 by next fall lol :)
Re: Bufflehead in flight
Originally Posted by Knight
i should have enough saved for a D300 by next fall lol :)
You do realize they just raised the prices, do you?
I never thought my camera would go up in value :)