• 06-18-2013, 10:15 PM
    Ant drinking maple syrup (pic)
    Not too much of a story here...I put a drop of maple syrup out in the garden to try and coax ants to stop for a taste and pose for some photos for my blog. This was my favourite.

    Unfortunately I have no idea what species it is...

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, Zuiko 35mm macro, Olympus FL-36 flash, F11 @ 1/200 sec, ISO: 200

    P6170318 ant and drop 2 by ernie.cooper, on Flickr
  • 06-19-2013, 08:08 AM
    Don Schaeffer
    Re: Ant drinking maple syrup (pic)
    Incredible Macro.
  • 06-19-2013, 08:27 AM
    Re: Ant drinking maple syrup (pic)
    You nailed the focus/DOF. Nice macro!
  • 06-19-2013, 11:10 PM
    Re: Ant drinking maple syrup (pic)
    Superb shot.
  • 06-20-2013, 08:59 AM
    Re: Ant drinking maple syrup (pic)
    Beautiful! Your macro photos are always right on, technically. But one thing that sets them apart - for me, anyway - is that they always seem to be a level above in terms of aesthetics. You manage to take subjects that could be interesting but kind of straightforward, and give them character. The lens qualities of the syrup drop is what makes this photo special for me. I love how the drop has sharper wood detail and more saturated color than the rest of the image. Nice work!
  • 06-21-2013, 12:56 PM
    Re: Ant drinking maple syrup (pic)
    The DOF is really fantastic. It's very thin, but everything that needs to be in focus, is. That's something I can never seem to get right. Excellent shot!