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I love to watch sports and spend time with my family.
I graduated from the University of Utah in Accounting. I'm married and have 2 kids. I've recently started doing photography in the little bit of spare time that I have.
2002 roughly. A friend got me hooked, although I've always been interested in photography
35mm SLR
Friends: Nikon N55 SLR & Nikon D70 that I use to try & take decent pics. (my 1st: something cheap)
Machine operator (starting business with same friend in Photography - hope all goes well)
Outdoor/Nature, Sports/Action, People
Kingston, TN USA
anything outdoors: photography, mountain biking, backpacking, camping, nature in general, wines etc.
Nikon N55 (different filters)
Nikon D70 (miscel. equipment)
300mm lens for both
Epson Photo PC 600 digital
Our pets ofcourse, we love our pets: Ladd - a Rhodesian Ridgeback, 2yrs. old (thinks he's a lapp cat & Molly - a Russian Blue (she of which Ladd gets some of he's personality) Ladd also likes to lounge on the hoods of our SUV's & ofcourse the