These Lenses Any Good?

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  • 02-07-2010, 07:41 PM
    These Lenses Any Good?
    Just wondering if these Tamron lenses are any good? I'm just wondering b/c I can get a body for them for $200. Thank you.
  • 02-08-2010, 12:48 AM
    Re: These Lenses Any Good?
    $200 for two lenses covering that focal range can't be good. Those are very low-end Tamron lenses. What camera body are you looking at? What kinds of subjects are you planning to photograph? We can definitely help you ake a good camera purchase decision. But I would steer you away from those lenses.
  • 02-08-2010, 12:04 PM
    Re: These Lenses Any Good?
    I just counted. I seem to have bought about 70 lenses in my photographic career. This makes me something of an expert on buying the wrong lenses. My current view:

    1. You get what you pay for. You don't pay for the name
    2. I've always been satisfied with expensive lenses and kept using them. They are a good long-term investment
    3. I'm usually disappointed with cheap lenses. Long term they are a waste of money because I replace them with more expensive ones
    4. Not all cheap lenses are bad. There are some good deals to be had. But you need to know exactly what you are doing, have all the info, understand why this lens is so cheap and know if it matters to you, etc..

    I don't know the lenses you mention. But they leave me stone cold.
  • 02-08-2010, 12:13 PM
    Re: These Lenses Any Good?

    Originally Posted by Davey_8313
    Just wondering if these Tamron lenses are any good? I'm just wondering b/c I can get a body for them for $200. Thank you.

    What type of photography do intend to do? If you are totally brand new to this go ahead and get them. It's best to keep costs low at first to see if you will devote yourself to learning this challenging art. I would hate for you to spend too much and only to have your gear sit in a closet next month.

    You can then sell it to the next new person curious about photography and consider the money you get sort of a coupon to newer and better gear. You won't get much for these as used.

    Just shoot and learn and keep shooting.....and learn.....shoot.....spend...learn...shoot :D
  • 02-08-2010, 12:15 PM
    Re: These Lenses Any Good?
    Read a few reviews on them and they get mixed reviews.
    They seem to be ok lenses for those that aren't demanding of results.
    If you want top notch stuff, then they won't do the job.
    You'll get decent results that hold up for general shooting and pics for yourself and friends.
    If you want critically acclaimed photos they'll be lacking.

    I see that Amazon is selling them through Cameta and was surprised to see the negative about Cameta, which is a trusted site.
  • 02-11-2010, 08:00 PM
    Re: These Lenses Any Good?
    Those prices are too good to be true! My Tamron 70-300 micro was over $400 just by it self (it's a full frame lens).

    Now the 28-80mm is a normal to short telephoto good for portraits, but is not good for landscapes.

    I would only get these lenses if I was dead broke!