• 11-14-2006, 04:59 PM
    slide conversion to digital
    While back I posted a request for an adapter for a flatbed scanner to scan 35mm transparencies, thanks to those that answered. I've found that no one to my knowledge, makes a generic slide film adapter unit to fit common flatbeds(this of course does not include mfrs. who support some of their own model scanners).
    Does anyone have a favorite company they may have direct knowledge of as far as scanning slides to digital so I can further manipulate or edit each pic?
    Thanks for any help, Steve B.
  • 11-14-2006, 05:23 PM
    Greg McCary
    Re: slide conversion to digital
    That depends on the quality scan you want. Wal-Mart scans for about .60cents a slide, but their lab here is bad to brighten them to much, but I think it's the tech that works there. I have to tell them not to adjust them. Also their resolution is sort of low 1800X1200 @96DPI. But I also had some sent off to a more expensive lab and the results were about the same.
  • 11-14-2006, 06:34 PM
    another view
    Re: slide conversion to digital
    Several years ago (ancient history with digital) I had a slide adapter from HP. It was basically a mirror box that was as wide as two slides side by side. Basically, the flat bed's light source was directed up into the mirror box then back down thru the image. It didn't work well for anything other than getting an idea how digital images worked. Scanners have come a long ways, but I think you'll still be fairly disappointed with a flatbed for 35mm. There's more to it than just pixels.

    I don't remember if I replied or what your intentions were with the images, but an inexpensive 35mm film scanner would be worth looking into. Look for a used one like a Nikon LS2000 which was expensive in it's day but like all 2-3 generations old technology, it's cheap today. I have an Acer 2720S which isn't bad either.

    There's a lot of time that you'll spend with scanning and retouch - to say nothing of the learning curve - so you may as well start with a high quality image file.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, your old thread has a new reply so it's near the top of this forum... Anyway, one other thing - check for drivers for whatever old hardware you look at. I know there's a Windows XP driver for the 2720S (because I'm using it!) but I don't know about any of the others. Without it, a scanner is just an expensive paperweight...
  • 11-14-2006, 09:36 PM
    Re: slide conversion to digital
    Thanks for the info and your time, I appreciate it. A secondhand unit might be the perfect solution,as you say, with the proper software support.
    Thanks again for your help, I'll post any sound info I may get back here.
    Steve B.

    PS FYI no major scanner mfg. knows of a generic product out in the world as far as an add on film scanner adapter. SB
  • 11-14-2006, 09:42 PM
    Re: slide conversion to digital
    I get the same impression just from what research I've done myself. My slides are all old and mainly family oriented stuff that I just want to digitize so I can possibly print some and of course burn a disk for the family members.
    Thanks for taking the time to help.
    Steve B.
  • 11-15-2006, 11:34 AM
    Greg McCary
    Re: slide conversion to digital
    I have an older Olympus ES-10 that does a pretty good job. I payed $30.00 for it on e-bay. There also was a driver issue to deal with too. It wouldn't work on XP, but I found a driver that worked. If you look around you should find something nice enough for what you want. But it is also time consuming, the slides have to be pretty clean an dust free.
  • 11-21-2006, 11:06 AM
    Re: slide conversion to digital
    For a about 400 you can purchase a recontitioned Nikon Cool Scan ED IV (3200 dpi), or for about 200 a new Pacific Scan?? but it's only 1800 or 2200 dpi depending on the model.