Posting a web site.
One day I hope to get good at this photography thing. I love it. Where is a good place to post a web site and what is the cost? Do I need some software to design my site?
Re: Posting a web site.
You should start by signing up with a free hositng service like TRIPOD.com. They also have templates you can use. Also buy a book on HTML. There are tons of HTML books on the bargain tables at the books store.
You'll need a graphic editing software and an HTML editor. There are tons for free on the internet. You just have the look for the most used ones. I use Photoshop for graphics and Dreamweaver for websites.
A full service website hosting company can be cheap if you pay for a whole year up front. I think on the average including your domain name, it is about $100. I'm sure there are cheaper ones.
An alternative to books, are online website tutorials.
Read up on HTML and use the free software and hosting sites before you put money into it.
Re: Posting a web site.
I got Go Live CS if I can figure it out. I also registered at tripod. Thanks. Maybe I will get enough pictures together. Wish me luck.......
Re: Posting a web site.
You can download a free HTML editor, HTML-Kit - http://www.chami.com/html-kit/
And don't forget to change the file permissions after you upload the files to public read access.