Anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong? My Nikon D70s is only a few months old and on the 8th of January, I was at a birthday party, I was trying to figure out where I wanted to position myself and figure out my lighting. I picked my spot and had my camera on, (I had used my camera frequently earlier that day), Well, I wanted to play with the external flash lighting and so, I went to take a pictre and nothing happened. I looked at the top screen and it seemed fine, so I tried again...Nothing. So I went to turn it off and the screen stayed exactly the same. It basically froze up. I tried a couple more time of turning it on and off, top screen stayed on. So, I took the battery out and the screen went off, I put it bac in and the camera would not go back on at all. I played with it a little bit trying to think of anything else. Nothing happened. So I ended up missing pictures of a pretty special birthday party. After we got home, I went through my manual and saw nothing that matched what had happened. I have tried different memory cards, recharging the battery, pressing the "reset" buton on the bottom of the camera. Nothing has worked. There is nothing on the screen at all. I am calling Nikon tomorrow but I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen, or if any one else had any other ideas for me to try. Luckily, I am still under the warranty, but it still sucks anyway.
Thanks for any help.