Took these pictures today of my son and they don't look right. Not sure if it is noise. Any suggestions or critiques are welcome.
Re: Noise?
What ISO were the images taken at? If the ISO setting was high, 400 or above, that could cause some smooth areas to appear blotchy.
Re: Noise?
It's hard to tell here because the images display fairly small (after I clicked on them). I can see a little noise in a couple of them, but what I see in a couple of them is a bad white balance because of the blueish cast.
Re: Noise?
I agree with "another view", definately bad WB (White Balance) which isn't helped with the blown out left side and dark right side. Also, it's hard to tell how much noise there is due to small size of photo views.
Re: Noise?
nice pics, sweet kid... but geez, there is alot of noise!
Re: Noise?
are we looking at the same photos? I don't see much noise at all. maybe because they are small though. if anything, it looks like NR was on in the camera.
Re: Noise?
I don't see much noise for what it's worth either but really the pictures are too small to be sure. I agree with the whitebalance comments, though.
Re: Noise?
No noise here either, maybe a little, but not too much.