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  1. #1
    Junior Member clb8904's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Unhappy Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    Hello to all!! I am having a problem w/ my kodak easyshare software! When i open the program and all the thumbnails show, they all seem to have like a transparent look to them w/ a question mark in the lower left corner. Now when i double click to view them full screen i get a message instead of the pictures that says; Kodak easyshare software can no longer find the file: C:/Documentsandsettings etc.... the file may have been renamed or moved in your windows file system.

    OK, what the heck has happened to my pictures?! How can they be gone if i can still see the thumbnails w/ that transparent look?! i have no clue what happened or what to do. if anyone can help, please do!! THANX~jen:cryin:

  2. #2
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    May 2005
    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    Hi clb...a couple of questions and maybe a solution.
    1. Have you deleted or moved the photos from the original folder you imported your pictures?
    2. Have you renamed the photos in anyway?
    Possible solution:
    This is time consuming, but it may help you find your pictures.
    Right click on a picture. Choose "reconnect to missing picture". It then allows you to browse to where the picture is.
    You need to do this for each missing picture. You might try "Check for missing pictures" in the Tools menu on the main menu bar. But I think you still have to find each one seperately.
    The transparent pictures you see in EasyShare are just place holders after the pics have been removed. Hope this helps a little.

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  3. #3
    Junior Member clb8904's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    Ken, The pictures weren't removed in any way. it's like 1 day they were there and now they aren't. i'll try what u said and see if that works. THANX a bunch!

  4. #4
    Junior Member clb8904's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    Ok, i did both of the things u said and nothing, it did tell me there are 99 missing pictures and i had to browse for them myself. i can't find any, anywhere! Suddenly my shared pictures folder, which held the Kodak folder is empty!! uuhhggg. i guess i'm SOL. that's terrible, i had some great shots of my daughter. (and myself w/ jared leto,LOL) any other ideas, throw them my way!, anyone~JEN:mad2:

  5. #5
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    May 2005
    Platteville, WI, United States

    Re: Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    ok....hmmm...a couple of more things to try. First, do a manual search for all of your picture files. This is for Windows based computer. Go to start and select "search" (on XP) or "find" (on Win98). Kodak usually saves as .jpg so in your search of your computer type in *.jpg (*or whatever your file extension is i.e. *.bmp, *.tif, etc) or if you remember the names of the files, you can also use the name of one of them, such "photo1.jpg" and your other files should be in the same folder.
    The other thing is to look in your trash bin and ensure someone hasn't accidentally deleted them. If by chance they are in the trash bin, select all and then hit restore.
    Finally, if you have a protection program that allows you to revert your computer, then you may have to do that.
    I've run out of ideas and pray you find your pictures. If you know how to browse your computer manually, you might try opening each folder and check every file...
    Good luck!!!!

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    Nikon Samurai #20

  6. #6
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Portland, OR, USA

    Re: Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    Quote Originally Posted by clb8904
    Ok, i did both of the things u said and nothing, it did tell me there are 99 missing pictures and i had to browse for them myself. i can't find any, anywhere! Suddenly my shared pictures folder, which held the Kodak folder is empty!! uuhhggg. i guess i'm SOL. that's terrible, i had some great shots of my daughter. (and myself w/ jared leto,LOL) any other ideas, throw them my way!, anyone~JEN:mad2:
    First did you check your trash bin? Other than that you will have to use a undelete utility. But you will have to us a utility which can be ran off a CD, Floppy, USB flash drive or memory card. Please note you will have to save the recovered copied to a different harddisk, Floppy, USB flash drive or memory card

    This kind of problem is why I partition my disk into two volumes, system aprox 35-50 gig and Data the rest. That way I can install utilities with out over writing any deleted files on the DATA volume.

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  7. #7
    Junior Member clb8904's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Hi all, new w/ a question!= )

    ahha, THANK U both very much , i'll try it all! really hope i find them!! ~jen

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