• 07-09-2006, 12:08 AM
    Re: Lets help each other out !!!
    i real a beginar and i hade a lot of thinges that i want to ask about it that is if u mind
    i had fujifilm finepix a500 my first qustion is
    1- what dose it mean that exposure locked,AF fram,AF/AElock
    2 what dose it mean macro mod
    3-adjusting exposure compensation
    4-what is ment by iso in the camera "iso 100 iso 200 iso 400
    thank u for reading my qustion
  • 07-09-2006, 10:07 AM
    Re: Need help with camera basics
    I moved this thread here since it's a more appropriate place.
  • 07-09-2006, 07:11 PM
    Re: Lets help each other out !!!

    Originally Posted by tawdy
    i real a beginar and i hade a lot of thinges that i want to ask about it that is if u mind
    i had fujifilm finepix a500 my first qustion is
    1- what dose it mean that exposure locked,AF fram,AF/AElock
    2 what dose it mean macro mod
    3-adjusting exposure compensation
    4-what is ment by iso in the camera "iso 100 iso 200 iso 400
    thank u for reading my qustion

    Hi Tawdy.

    Have you read your camera's manual? that is usually the best place to start and it should explain a lot of this for you.

    but anyways....

    in response to questions:
    1) Exposure is a term referring to how much light reaches your camera's sensor and how your camera senses it. This is affected by four variables: the camera's shutter speed (how long the exposure lasts), the lens' aperture (the size of the opening in the lens, which affects how much light goes through), the sensor's sensitivity (how sensitive it is to light), and the light levels of your subject.
    Exposure lock means that when this occurs, the exposure is locked at the settings it was at when the exposure lock was engaged. this means if the light changes or you're zooming in and locking exposure to avoid confusing the camera's exposure meter (which tells it waht to set) with a tricky condition, or if you want to recompose the image with the same settings, you don't have to worry about the exposure changing.
    AF/AE lock means it is locking autofocus and autoexposure.

    2) macro mode is a term meaning your camera has changed into a mode where it is set to take very close up pictures at high magnification. You can use this for close up shots of bugs, flowers, and many other things.

    3) exposure compensation is simply telling the camera's exposure meter (covered in answer part 1) that you want it to adjust what it thinks is right by a certain amount. Positive exposure compensation will either use a longer shutter speed, wider aperture, or higher sensitivity, so you get a brighter image. This is helpful when there is a bright light source that may fool the meter. negative exposure compensation means it uses a faster shutter speed, smaller aperture, or lower sensitivity, making the picture darker.

    4) ISO 100/200/400 are sensitivities that the sensor is set at. This is a throwback to the days of film when you bought a roll of film with a specific sensitivity of the film grains for certain situations. In this case, when the light is too low for the base ISO sensitivity (the lowest the sensor supports), the camera or you can increase it to allow for a shot that might otherwise be impossible or difficult. This has an effect similar to increased graininess with film, called noise, caused by the amplification of the signal from the sensor. these ISO equivalencies are approximately the same sensitivity as the films of the same number.
    Each jump here-100, 200, 400, (and on some cameras 800, 1600, 3200) is a full 'stop' of sensitivity. this means that ISO 200 is twice as sensitive as ISO 100 and ISO 400 is twice as sensitive as ISO 200 and so on. Some cameras have intermediate steps.

    Hope this helps.
  • 07-10-2006, 05:37 AM
    Re: Need help with camera basics
    HI deckcadet
    I really con not find the words to thank u alot for your care
    but i really read the manual many times but i did not understand it
    soon you will see my photos
  • 07-16-2006, 05:43 PM
    Greg McCary
    Re: Need help with camera basics
    This book might help too.Look at Amazon. It's explains alot.
    Teach yourself Photography by Lee Frost.