
In my line of work I often have to take pictures of the insides of homes. My current camera, a Kodak DC4800 with a 0.6x wide angle lens works decently well but I need to purchase a new camera and I'm having a really hard time finding one. Most of the cameras out there seem to be either point-n-click cameras or zoom cameras. I need a camera that can take great wide angle pictures in lower (not dark) light situations without a whole lot of distortion or fuzz yet when I take the wide angle lense off will be able to take great outside shots as well. Also because of the angles that I shoot at using the eyepiece viewfinder isn't an option. I have to have a full time LCD screen on the back (or even better one that swivels around so that I can view it from multiple angles) I don't need a zoom/telephoto camera in the least.

The only camera that I have found that seems to fit the bill is the Sony DSC-R1. Am I missing something here? Is this a good camera?