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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Question Misbehaving LCD screen, D70

    Hello to all

    An odd thing happened today, as i disconnected the camera ( D70) from the computer, the LCD screen on top blinked once and now suddenly one of the bars in the second digit of the frame counter has disappeared like in those cheap digital watches ! So now 77 looks like 71(top horizontal bar has disappeared) ...

    1. HAs anyone else faced this? The camera is just an yr old...wondering if this will self heal
    2. Does it mean slowly and steadily my entire LCD information screen will die?


  2. #2
    has-been... another view's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Rockford, IL

    Re: Misbehaving LCD screen, D70

    When you disconnected the camera, was it trying to transfer any information (was the LED light on)? If it was and you just pulled the plug then there could be problems. With WinXP, there's a "Safely Remove Hardware" icon on the lower right of the screen; you should always click thru that before removing any USB device. Maybe you already know that...

    I'm going to sound like a broken record but pull the battery out of it for at least an hour. Less time shouldn't make a difference, but hey, why not, just to be sure. Put in a freshly charged battery and see if that fixes the problem. It's funny how many times this has fixed something odd!

  3. #3
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Portland, OR, USA

    Re: Misbehaving LCD screen, D70

    I have never seen anything like this on my D70. Like "another view" reset the camera, and it looks like the only way is to remove the battery and wait for back up capicator to bleed off. This may take more than an hour. If you have to set the clock then it the camera is reset.

    Panorama Madness:

    Nikon D800, 50mm F1.4D AF, 16-35mm, 28-200mm & 70-300mm

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