livepix deluxe 2.0

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  • 06-17-2004, 06:20 AM
    livepix deluxe 2.0
    Does anyone know about picture software called livepix? Does it work with windows xp? Someone told me that the latest version of livepix only works with win 98. ive been searching this software at computer shops in my local area and none of them have the xp version. :confused:
  • 06-17-2004, 06:49 AM
    Greeting Sari!

    This question will better be seen in either the Viewfinder or Help Files forum. I believe Help Files forum would be best, so I am moving it there for you.
  • 10-27-2005, 07:50 PM
    Re: livepix deluxe 2.0
    When I got my first computer in 1999 I got livepix 2.0. I had windows 98 and since then I have used it on 3 computers with windows ME and now with XP. It has worked well with all of them. Livepix is one of the best of many picture programs I have used. I wish they still made it and kept it updated.
    Hope this helps you.