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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    crop/print help (2)

    OK...I have tried to get my head around this, and somehow have a block. Say I have an image straight out of the camera, and I open in PS7. That image ratio is 4x6" ratio, right? Let's say I wanted to (a) print 8x10" and (b) enlarge a certain element or elements within the image, and then print 8x10. I do not understand how to get there. Granted, my PS experience is VERY limited. I enrolled in a class, but it doesn't start until the end of October.

    Thanks for all the help you folks give (and the patience.)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Reno, Nevada

    Re: crop/print help (2)

    I may be able to help a little when it comes to resizing something. I'm not great at it, but here's my 2 cents. Yes...4x6 is the same as get an 8x10, you need to crop or resize. In PS, when you click on the cropping tool or resizing tool, it brings up a line under the task bar on top in which you can specify (H)eight and (W)idth. Put in the demensions that you want your picture to be. Place you cursor on a starting point that you want to start the piece you want to enlarge. As you left click (holding down the left click).. and drag from the corner down to the opposite corner...the crop lines will stay in proportion of those demensions. After you complete the drag...release the left click. If you have the correct size but in the wrong your cursor/arrrow in the area to be cropped and drag it to where you want it for a better fit. You can also place your cursor on one of the corner handles (squares) and click and drag it more. Then you can either enter or click on the check mark. Same goes for when you want to crop for an 8x10. Just start the drag up in a corner and go to the opposite corner. It will stay in proportion. I have to agree with the others that it is better for you to do the cropping vs someone else. You know what and where, they don't. I don't know if this is the proper way, but I know it is one way. Just remember that when you take a peice of the picture, the resolution may not be the greatest. Good luck.

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