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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2004
    Duluth, MN

    I need a new SLR film camera

    I am looking for a new SLR film camera i was looking at the new minolta cameras they are nice looking and get great reviews. But the fact is i need a good brand that is new, can handle abuse and is under $200 dollars for school projects "photography classes". Any help on this or a push in the right direction would be nice.

  2. #2
    Member Norman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    I'm just curious

    Hi Zero,

    Why do you say you need a Brand new SLR, have you considered a good quality used camera, such as the Nikon FM, which is fully manual & would help to teach you a lot of the basics of photography. Canon & Pentax both have good quality older cameras similar to the Nikon.

    New you would be limited to something like the Nikon N55, the only draw backs are the level of automation it offers. It's like having a calculator to do math, after a while you stop adding in your head & rely on the machine.

    Best of luck with your course. If you get stuck with questions, ask them here, I gaurentee you will get many other contributors to give you advice.
    Happy to Photograph

  3. #3
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Rockford, IL
    I agree on not ruling out used equipment. Used manual focus 35mm cameras seem to be going for nothing these days - for $200 you could even get a Nikon FM2N in fair condition which you could use for the rest of your life! If your $200 limit is including a lens, you still have many good options like a Nikon FM with a 50mm lens.

    See what your teacher recommends, but learning how to do it manually will help you down the road when if use an autofocus, auto exposure camera. Sometimes you'll want to use that camera manually - and you'll know when and why to do it because of that.

  4. #4
    Member Lemming51's Avatar
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    Springfield, IL, USA


    >>"... I need a good brand that is new, can handle abuse and is under $200 dollars..."<<

    (a) New
    (b) can handle abuse
    (c) is under $200

    Choose 2 of those features. You can't have all 3. ;)

  5. #5
    MikiShots mikishots's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    I am looking for a new SLR film camera i was looking at the new minolta cameras they are nice looking and get great reviews. But the fact is i need a good brand that is new, can handle abuse and is under $200 dollars for school projects "photography classes". Any help on this or a push in the right direction would be nice.
    Nice looking? This should be the least of your concerns. I too would like a camera with these attributes, but it ain't gonna happen.

  6. #6
    Hardcore...Nikon Speed's Avatar
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    Newport, NC

    More Details Will Help...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zero
    I am looking for a new SLR film camera i was looking at the new minolta cameras they are nice looking and get great reviews. But the fact is i need a good brand that is new, can handle abuse and is under $200 dollars for school projects "photography classes". Any help on this or a push in the right direction would be nice.

    To narrow the field. Are you looking for a manual or an automatic camera? We get the impression that you're looking for a manual camera, but that's a guess.

    I agree with the others that a good used camera is definitely worth looking into. For the price range you gave, you're going to be limited in new camera selections.

    Definitely look into the used camera's here and at reputable dealers like B&H.

    Also, while I would recommend that you go with a Nikon or Canon (they are by far the biggest sellers, with the largest selection of lenses), give a lot of consideration to how a camera feels in your hand. Does it fit you? Are the controls in a logical place? Are they easy to reach? These will contribute to how your work flows. I shoot Nikon because they fit me. The controls are logically placed (to me) and I can easily reach them without taking my eye away from the viewfinder. Find what works for you.

    As I said, give us some more details, and we can be more specific in our recommendations. Good luck.
    Nikon Samurai # 1

    "Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." - Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Mi tortuga es guapo. Kokopeli's Avatar
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    I would look into getting a used Nikon FM2n. I bought one a couple years ago from one of the regulars on the boards and it has been a GREAT camera. I wouldn't consider getting anything new to replace it.

    If you are looking for an automatic SLR body then look at the Rebel or the Nikon N65 or N75. I think they are close to your price range.
    ~Brian aka Nikon Samurai #3
    Nikon Samurai #3

    A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true
    friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2004
    Duluth, MN
    I meant a "used" camera i just said "new" because i dont have one right now. And yes i want a manual focus i will be getting a refurbished one probably from minolta.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Appleton Wis USA

    Agree with others...

    I would fully encourage you to look into Nikon if possible, best camera out there. Canon is considered best for action, Nikon best for everything else. Some of the older Minoltas are OK, but I would go for the best if you are going to make an investment in your future here. The glass in the lenses are superior quality over the others. Make sure to check for molds in the lens and other potential problems when purchasing an older camera. Have it inspected or ask questions if buying online. Best of luck to you.

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