Help! Help!
I've had my d80 waiting for a card for a week driving me nuts......finally got one today and took a few test shots.
Manual says to download to computer by hooking directily to usb hub on computer and not to use keyboard hub or usb multi hub device.
I only have two usb hubs on my computer.
Does it really hurt anything if I use the keyboard hubs?I
I used the keyboard hub for my 8700 and if I recall the manual said not to and I've had no problemsn using it.
Please help! I'm dying to see what I have!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Re: Help! Help!
I got the D80 also. Put the SD card in a card reader, hook it to your USB. It may be a bit slower...It wont waste your camera battery.
Also I rec. only Sandisk SD cards Extream II or soon to be released III
versions. I currently have -3- 2 GB cards, smooth sailing so far.:)
Just make sure you click on the icon at the bottom of your screen.[safely remove hardware] (windows) before unplugging the card reader. Hope this helps.
Re: Help! Help!
sry, not my area of expertice, i use film :p
Re: Help! Help!
Thanks ! I was assured by another nikon reader that the only effect of hooking it to the keyboard port is slower read time.
I'm getting a card reader tomorrow.
Re: Help! Help!
Originally Posted by Frog
Thanks ! I was assured by another nikon reader that the only effect of hooking it to the keyboard port is slower read time.
I'm getting a card reader tomorrow.
Buy one of the 7 in one readers. You will never know when you will have to read a stange card for a friend ;-) I have never used anything but a card reader, as it's faster and you don't have to use your batteries or find the AC power adapter to power the camera.
Re: Help! Help!
Yes, I bought a 21 in 1 reader....figured that should cover my bases....but it definitly won't let me use the keyboard ports. I'm going to have to get a hub.
Re: Help! Help!
I use my card reader on my keyboard slot all the time, it's just easier to access. Not sure why that wouldn't work for you. Maybe it's a drive issue. Are you using a PC? did you install the driver for the reader?
Re: Help! Help!
Its probably because the keyboard hub doesn't provide the power requirements for the card reader.
Not all USB hubs deliver the same power output and you'll find some devices work and others don't. If they don't, plug it directly into the computer and you should find it works. You may also need a powered hub for some devices.
Hope that helps.
Re: Help! Help!
Thanks! I'm not real computer wise. When I plugged reader into keyboard it said the hub didn't have enough power.
I still don't know why it says not to plug the camera into a keyboard as it seems to work fine. Maybe not fast but works.
Re: Help! Help!
Like most other products and companies they say not to do that in order for them to cover their bases...Should anyone plug it and it doesn't work or creates problems their in deep...these problems could be slower transfer rates or something else....in the end like some computer geniuses say: The most dangerous computer virus is the user :)