Help- Canon 10D orientation sensor
Couple months ago my 10D got knocked out of my hands and hit the floor....nothing too serious except the orientation sensor is either jammed or simply not working (the camera doesn't auto-rotate vert. images)...I've searched in vain online to find a guide to fix it...anyone know where it is in the camera?
Re: Help- Canon 10D orientation sensor
I don't know where it is and I wouldn't mess with it. It's really easy to batch rotate the images and you won't ruin your camera doing it.
Re: Help- Canon 10D orientation sensor
If you really want that feature back you may want to call Cannon to see how much it would cost to have them fix it. It would also probably be a good idea to have them do a tune up and clean it really well if you decide to send it in.
Re: Help- Canon 10D orientation sensor
I have to agree with John - the chances of fixing it yourself aren't that good, but the possibility of damaging something else while you're in there might be pretty good. Having the vertical shots automatically rotate is nice, but I don't have that with my cameras and I haven't really thought of it as being a big deal. Call Canon if you want it fixed, but I'll bet that the repair charge won't really be worth it.
Re: Help- Canon 10D orientation sensor
Yeah well up until today I was planning on selling my employer is going to give it to another guy in our company (we just started a golf photography company) and he's buying me a it really doesn't matter...I guess it didn't in the first place. Thanks guys.