Fuji S2Pro and 4Gb Ultra card?
Anyone else had trouble with the S2Pro not reading a 4Gb Sandisk Ultra card? I'm thinking the camera is too old (4 years) to read such a fast or big card. It wouldn't recognize it, then couldn't format it. The D70s I used as a backup did fine, so the card is good... Any ideas out there?
Re: Fuji S2Pro and 4Gb Ultra card?
I think you're limited to a 2g card with that camera. I haven't used anything bigger than 1g in mine but I think a friend has used 2g with his. Hopefully someone else will jump in but there's a difference with 4g and larger cards.
Re: Fuji S2Pro and 4Gb Ultra card?
Its a matter of whether or not hthe camera supports FAT32 formatting of the card.
That old probably not.
4gb cards usually have a switch that lets the camera see it as a 2gb card...