• 03-10-2004, 12:10 PM
    filters for black and white film
    I have two filters that I found with my dads old camera. One of them is red, and the other one is yellow. Does anyone have a clue what each filter does?

  • 03-10-2004, 02:12 PM
    another view
    The red filter will make the sky almost black as well as give more definition to clouds. Yellow is also used to increase contrast in general. Usually b&w filters will lighten the color in the subject that's the same color as the filter (green filters lighten leaves, etc).

    If you look thru a b&w filter (as in just hold it up to your eye and look thru it) everything will be monochromatic; different shades of red or yellow. Filters for color film (like a blue 80A for correcting incandescent light) will still let you see other colors.