Re: Dev Time for TMX in D-76
I was looking at our chart in the photo lab tonight, and it suggests to use D-76 1:1 for 12.5 mins at 68 degrees. Of course results vary from person to person. I think you should be fine at 8.5 mins. The detail will be there, just my take some coaxing to get it out.
Re: Dev Time for TMX in D-76
Originally Posted by photophorous
This is an important roll, so I don't want to mess it up.
I was all set with an answer until I read this last sentence... TMX is less forgiving than Tri-X, but still nowhere near as bad as slide film in this regard. The Massive Developing chart lists several times for this film and developer. Note that 20 deg C = 68 deg F which you're using. With the ISO100 time (not the 100-200 which is the old version of the film, see notes) they list 9.5 minutes which is what you're already using.
Since you overexposed 1/3 stop I think you'll be just fine, especially if you weren't pushing the contrast range of the film. Neg film handles overexposure much better than underexposure. I usually shot my Tri-X at 250 and developed with D76 1:1 at the recommended time (based on 400) and it looked great. That's a 2/3 stop overexposure but this film doesn't have the latitude that TMX has. I'm pretty sure you won't have any problems as is, but maybe someone else has a thought... Just to make me feel better about it, what was the shooting situation? Is there a lot of contrast in the light that you were shooting?
Re: Dev Time for TMX in D-76
Originally Posted by zrfraser
I was looking at our chart in the photo lab tonight, and it suggests to use D-76 1:1 for 12.5 mins at 68 degrees.
I was just looking at the Massive Dev chart (see link in my post above) and their notes indicate that time for the old version of TMX which was discontinued (what, about three years ago?). It's been almost a year since I've developed film and even longer since TMX but 12.5 sounded a little long. I didn't shoot TMX very often though.
Re: Dev Time for TMX in D-76
Its no telling when this chart was made for the lab. However, I did some TMX work last semester, and used the time with no ill effects. The film was bought last semester as well, so I don't know. I stick to Tri-X and Neopan, TMX was always a last resort.
Re: Dev Time for TMX in D-76
Thanks for responding Z and AV. I'm basically just doing a sanity check.
I think that 12.5 minute time was for the old version. The tables say 9.5 for the new version, but I've always used about 9 min 10 sec. I think somewhere between 8.5 and 9 is probably close enough...maybe 8 min 45 secs.
The film is from street shooting in Paris. I don't get many chances to do that, so I'm kinda nervous. It was mostly overcast when I was I guess that means low contrast except bright skies.
It may be another week or two before I get to do this, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again!