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  1. #1
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Canon 10D question

    I might be ordering a 10D soon, but before I do I need to know how the camera behaves when tethered to a computer. I shoot portraits with the camera plugged in a lot, and so far all I have been able to find out about the Canon capture software is that it lets me trigger the 10D from the computer, but I need to know if it can be shot normally. THe D100 lets me do that, I am hoping the 10D will as well.

    NEVERMIND...Hodgy answered it and the answer is you can do it both ways.
    Last edited by Sebastian; 02-20-2004 at 12:42 PM.

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

  2. #2
    Senior Member racingpinarello's Avatar
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    Why get the 10D?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    I might be ordering a 10D soon, but before I do I need to know how the camera behaves when tethered to a computer. I shoot portraits with the camera plugged in a lot, and so far all I have been able to find out about the Canon capture software is that it lets me trigger the 10D from the computer, but I need to know if it can be shot normally. THe D100 lets me do that, I am hoping the 10D will as well.

    NEVERMIND...Hodgy answered it and the answer is you can do it both ways.
    The Fuji S2 can do both as well. Why would you get the 10D?
    Loren Crannell
    LC Photography
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    * Any photographer worth his salt has 10,000 bad negatives under his belt. - Ansel Adams

  3. #3
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    I'm sick of paying more for Nikon glass that does less, Nikon bodies that do less, and then being charged more for accessories to add the functions back on. RIght now is a good time to ditch Nikon since once the D70 ships my D100s will plummet in resale value.

    I have waited a year to get a more rugged all-around body, but Nikon is not delivering, and Canon is. THe D2H is a great handling camera, but I just can not bring myself to sell images form that thing, they look terrible to me. Time to move on toa better system, with better support, better R&D and lower prices.

    WHat really made up my mind for me is that the D2H costs 3200, but you also need a new flash to take advantage of the new system, an extra 400 dollars, then you need Capture 4 to deal with the new RAW files, an extra 80 dollars, for a total of 3700 dollars. The 1D Mark II is 800 bucks more, works with all EX flashes, will have WiFI by the end of the year, and has considrably less noise, CONISDERABLY. ALmost every lens is 10-30% cheaper than the Nikon equivalent, while offering IS in many cases. CPS is more friendly to its memebrs, and the biggest asset that Canon has is Chuck Westfall, who takes an inordinate amount of time to just answer questions from anyone, Canon user or not. I have a relatively small investment in Nikon, and before that grows I am choosing to move to a comapny that listens more intently to what I want, and most importantly, aknowledges my existence and listens to what I say.

    In the past the difference was too small to consider switching, the systems were pretty much equal, with one having strength over another in different areas. Now things are different, Nikon is clearly behind and I do not like having no choice in where I go. With Canon I get choice, with Nikon someone somwhere is choosing for me, and is not letting me know why or how the choices are being made, and they're choices I do not agree with.

    The Fuji is nice, but hardly an all-around camera, and the D2H is just an experiment gone wrong IMO. THe body is wonderful, if only the damn sensor lived up to any of the lowest expectations...

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

  4. #4
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Whhhaaat?? Say it ain't so!! OK, sure I've thought about that too, and one reason I've got the Fuji is for using my SB28's (old, not DX style). However, in real world use it's more accurate in "A" mode than their TTL mode and I would have had "A" mode on the SB28 with D100. Oh well. I'm curious about the whole flash/DSLR thing, it's an issue that Nikon shooters have always talked about but don't remember seeing much here about problems with Canon, and they're still using the same flashes.

    Yes, some lenses are cheaper but some are alot more expensive too. I bought an 85 f1.4 a couple of months ago (my excuse being the wedding I shot). I was curious about Canon's 85 f1.2 because both are among the best lenses out there. Nikon was $1000 and Canon was over $1400. There's probably other examples where Nikon is more expensive - but it's not an across-the-board thing. Canon's 550 has been out awhile I think, and it's great if you already have it, but you'll have to buy a couple of those. And the 10D has been out for long enough that maybe there's a new one coming (no, I don't know anything about this and not trying to start rumors...).

    I can see the frustration though. The S2 just isn't going to shoot something moving fast, only has 1/125 shutter speed (D100 being pretty similar) and other stuff. Canon sure seems to be more on top of stuff, probably a "corporate culture" thing - Nikon is more conservative. A few years from now, the story may be different. I guess the question for now is - what are you gaining to do this? What are you losing?

    That said, I just bought a Canon - yeah, really!! I got a 25 year old Canonet Rangefinder. Not exactly at the forefront of technology though!

  5. #5
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
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    Another View,

    You make some excellent points. In the end, I am gaining choice, and losing nothing. True, I will need the flashes, but I have one SB-80 right now, I don't need more. If I sell it I can replace it with a 550. Pretty much everything will sell, and I will be able to buy a Canon kit with only an additional few hundred bucks out of my pocket. I won't need RAW software, since DPP is shipping with the 1DII. I won't be needing those damn PC-Sync adapters since the 10D has one built in, and obviously the 1DII has one. Another thing is, I have really been wanting a tilt-shift lens for doing city shots. Nikon's widest is 28mm, with their 1.5x sensor that's 42mm. Canon's widest is 24mm, with the 1DII's 1.3 sensor being 31.2. The 1DII with a 10D as backup would be perfect for what I do. High resolution and speed for portraits and sports, and the 10D's crop factor and noise levels when I have to shoot available light theater. WIth Nikon I have been compromising, with Canon I won't have to. As much as I love Nikon, I am running a business now, and I am feeling more and more like I'm trapped, and whenever I have to consider a purchase, I worry whether or not I'm buying further into a system that does not support me the way I need it to.

    I have put a lot of thought into this, and if I was just a hobbyist I could stick with Nikon no problem, but if I'm going to spend money on something at this point I expect it to be worth it, to have good value. As it stands now, I don't think the value lies in Nikon, and I have no faith that it will get better any time soon. SO before I did myself in firther, I am choosing to switch...

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    How to tell the most experienced shooter in a group? They have the least amount of toys on them.

  6. #6
    has-been... another view's Avatar
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    Bottom line - if they ain't got the glass then you're outta luck. Canon has that 24 f1.4, too - but then I don't really have any plans to buy Nikon's 28 f1.4. The T/S lenses are another advantage here too to go with that 1.3 sensor. That sounds like a good body combo for the reasons you list.

    Hey, they're just tools and it's a business decision. If brand X doesn't solve the problem, then maybe brand Y will. One thing I would think about is only owning one flash. I have two SB28's, and one is a back-up. I finally got around to ordering the TTL cord to connect the two together so I'll start playing around with that. Flashes can break pretty easily (especially the hot shoe) so it's not a bad thing to have a backup for.

    Only other suggestion is that if you can swing it, keep the Nikon stuff to use while you get used to the Canon body. Personally I can't see having to rely on something I just got, but I realize there's alot of money here, too!

  7. #7
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    Luke, Welcome to the Dark Side

    Although I am a Canon shooter, it's too bad you are making the switch. There is a learning curve with any new system. Plus, both Canon and Nikon have their funky quirks.

    When are you getting the 10D? Should you want to play with one let me know. You can use mine.

    "Foolish consistency is the hobgobblin of little minds." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  8. #8
    Senior Member racingpinarello's Avatar
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    You're not alone...I'm close to the same change.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    I'm sick of paying more for Nikon glass that does less, Nikon bodies that do less, and then being charged more for accessories to add the functions back on. RIght now is a good time to ditch Nikon since once the D70 ships my D100s will plummet in resale value.

    I have waited a year to get a more rugged all-around body, but Nikon is not delivering, and Canon is. THe D2H is a great handling camera, but I just can not bring myself to sell images form that thing, they look terrible to me. Time to move on toa better system, with better support, better R&D and lower prices.

    WHat really made up my mind for me is that the D2H costs 3200, but you also need a new flash to take advantage of the new system, an extra 400 dollars, then you need Capture 4 to deal with the new RAW files, an extra 80 dollars, for a total of 3700 dollars. The 1D Mark II is 800 bucks more, works with all EX flashes, will have WiFI by the end of the year, and has considrably less noise, CONISDERABLY. ALmost every lens is 10-30% cheaper than the Nikon equivalent, while offering IS in many cases. CPS is more friendly to its memebrs, and the biggest asset that Canon has is Chuck Westfall, who takes an inordinate amount of time to just answer questions from anyone, Canon user or not. I have a relatively small investment in Nikon, and before that grows I am choosing to move to a comapny that listens more intently to what I want, and most importantly, aknowledges my existence and listens to what I say.

    In the past the difference was too small to consider switching, the systems were pretty much equal, with one having strength over another in different areas. Now things are different, Nikon is clearly behind and I do not like having no choice in where I go. With Canon I get choice, with Nikon someone somwhere is choosing for me, and is not letting me know why or how the choices are being made, and they're choices I do not agree with.

    The Fuji is nice, but hardly an all-around camera, and the D2H is just an experiment gone wrong IMO. THe body is wonderful, if only the damn sensor lived up to any of the lowest expectations...
    I have a little more leeway in my wait time than you since I have the Kodak back, but if I was to choose the digital slr it would be the Canon 1D or the ID MkII. It's the speed that I would use it for, sports and fashion.

    I wouldn't sell my F100 because it's a great film camera where I don't intend to buy any more lenses.(24mm,28mm,50mm my travel kit). I would only suggest to you that you buy a 1D before a 10D. Ask Photo-John and Trevor about the rear focusing problems that they have had. I think John's 10D is still not working. The 1D is a great camera and it feels very good. My co-worker has one, and it feels as intuitive as any other camera that I have used.

    I think I see your point, and it's not a bad way to change since you haven't bought big glass for the nikon yet.

    Loren Crannell
    LC Photography
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    * Any photographer worth his salt has 10,000 bad negatives under his belt. - Ansel Adams

  9. #9
    don't tase me, bro! Asylum Steve's Avatar
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    Wrong forum...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastian
    I might be ordering a 10D soon, but before I do I need to know how the camera behaves when tethered to a computer.
    This is really a question for the DSLR Forum. I'll give you a break because I know you're new to this site...

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  10. #10
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    go play with your lighting pal..... he needs help deciding to get rid of that nikon addiction.

    i still hold on to a heap of nikon gear incase i relapse some day..........NEVER WILL THOUGH

    but i can't stop being amazed by my chromes from f100/80-200AFD


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

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