I know, SLR's aren't for "beginners" per se, but I have been using cameras for many years now and I am not content with the quality of most digital cameras.
I want to get either a regular old film SLR or a cheap(er) digital SLR, but I have absoutely positively no idea where to start, what to get, etc.
This will bemostlyentirely for amateur use, just want to have some fun and learn about this stuff.
Now, chances are, digital SLR's are too expensive for my student and part-time Walmart budget, so I'm willing to settle with this so-called "SLR-like" digital cameras. Apparantly they look like SLR's but aren't SLR by definition?
I don't know... I'm spouting about stuff I really don't know much about.
So, details!
I'd like to keep the budget under $400, $450 at most, really.
Something with a decent optical zoom, say 5x at least. Digital zoom is meaningless to me and I think it is horrid... not important.
For digital, storage space won't be an issue, I can buy a memory card for it.
Please don't accuse me of being lazy, I *could* go to some store/website and enter in some specifications, but a couple of joe-consumer reviews and specs mean nothing against the words of people who actually know stuff about this.
So... any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.