Why do I need temporary mail?

  1. bugata
    Why do I need temporary mail?

    When we discover that an anonymous email exists, we don't fully understand how useful it can be. And the most important question: "Why do we need temporary email if we already have regular email service providers?" If both regular emails and anonymous emails are completely free “then " what difference does it make?” . When you register to receive a regular email, you will need to provide personal information: phone number, etc. However, using a temporary email address afeg.ru you don't need to do this. A regular email address will never delete your emails, while all emails will be automatically deleted after a day, or instantly manually when you use a temporary email. An ordinary email cannot be completely deleted. On the other hand, a one-time email gives you this option without any problems.
  2. Amina
    If you communicate a lot in networks and forums, for example, you just need to hide as much as possible all your data. But just anonymous mail is for this purpose, so that it is not necessary to constantly clean the main mail, which comes to a lot of all unnecessary. Sometimes, after all, such temporary mail is very convenient.
  3. djon87
    One of the key advantages of using a temporary mail service is the absence of spam, you can activate your old mailboxes, for example, in order to recover a forgotten password on a website or for any other operations that require confirmation by email
  4. lutik
    How works fex.plus free email. The temporary address is generated automatically after entering the site page. This service is confidential, free and secure. Nobody asks for your details. After generation, the address is valid for 10 minutes, during which it can be used for registration or receiving correspondence. After the specified period, all data, address, IP are deleted, without the possibility of recovery.
  5. jamkowyj
    Temporary mail is good for those who want to get themselves an email for one time, for example, to confirm registration on sites or forums. Whatever spam flies to the main email, you start a temporary one and that's it. It is very convenient and the main thing is to quickly start up only the login and password and that's it. You can do this at least a hundred times a day.
  6. orBita
    As often happens after such a regular registration with an indication of the mailbox, you may begin to receive a lot of letters with mailing both from the site itself on which you registered and completely left - spam. I think very few people will be well from the fact that letters with advertisements or some kind of links will come to their mail.
    In general, you yourself can understand why you need a mailbox at a time.
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