Professional matchmakers - Ukrainian women in the USA Love lives for three years: myth or reality? It's a strange feeling of love… It cannot be accurately explained either from the point of view of psychology or from the point of view of chemistry. Only one thing is clear – the person appears, without whom you no longer understand life. Question: How long will it last? At the beginning of a relationship, women would not hesitate to answer – for their entire long life. However, three years pass and they have already started talking – love lives for three years, our relationship has outlived itself. What's going on? Who came up with such a strange pattern? Let's figure it out.
Professional matchmakers - Ukrainian women in the USA - INmatchmaking. At the very beginning of the relationship, everything suits you, there is a so-called candy-bouquet period, when everything in your soulmate, as well as in yourself, seems fine to you. Next, you get used to it, get used to each other, feel happy that you have found each other. At that very moment, you are sure that everything is going as it should. You are no longer so ardently showing feelings for each other, because it seems that no one needs it anymore, you are already grateful to fate for your meeting. As a rule, then the relationship begins to develop as follows: you plan to get married, live together, have children, and so on. But there comes some kind of boredom and cooling of feelings. It seems to you that you did not go to this, "overexposed" your relationship.
Your soulmate no longer seems so attractive to you, she is a part of your life, there is no mystery in her, it seems to you that you no longer love each other, a wedding and a life together no longer seems like a heavenly delight, rather boredom and burden. In fact, not everything is so sad and this can be explained from the point of view of our nature, the one that is inherent in us from birth. During these three years, people had to get to know each other, get used to, give birth and raise a child on their feet. It is believed that the baby and mom need exactly that much time to survive. You may also have heard that we are looking for each other by smell. It really is. Attraction pheromones are able to make this very chemical reaction – falling in love - take place in our brain. Time passes, and a person already gets used to the pheromones of a loved one. As a rule, this happens after 3 years.
However, people have been living and loving each other for decades and no chemical reactions and nature could separate them. And this is not a fairy tale at all! To build an ideal relationship, both partners should work on them, think, listen to each other, accept shortcomings and see advantages. Before entering into life with this person, it is better to soberly perceive him as he really is, try to understand whether you are close to him in spirit.