The best devoted friend is a dog in Oregon. A dog is a man's friend. An old, but very accurate and wise phrase. But by bringing a puppy into the house, you are essentially having another child. After all, a dog needs a lot of attention, these are vaccinations, walks, feeding, training, and bathing. Therefore, choosing a dog of a suitable breed, immediately prepare the child for the fact that caring for the animal will be his responsibility. Browse in oregonian for free classifieds dogs Safety is also very important, you should teach the child to handle the puppy so that in the future, when the animal grows up, he does not remember the past insults to the baby. Another disadvantage of keeping a dog is the financial side, since you will have to buy food if you want to raise a healthy animal.
And, accordingly, the bigger the dog, the more food it needs, and also the more expensive the muzzle and collar, that is, the more money it will take, take this into account when choosing a breed. But the advantages of dogs, of course, are invaluable. What are some walks in the fresh air, canine sports, running with a dog and even dancing with a four-legged partner, if, of course, your child will participate in this. As well as boundless devotion and willingness to protect their owner — these are the indisputable advantages of dogs. In a child, the dog will bring up feelings of responsibility, loyalty, courage, and teach you to be friends. The main thing is to choose the right breed.
In any case, before you finally decide which animal to choose for a child, you need to take into account all factors, and not just the desire of a younger family member. But, of course, it's better to buy at least a small animal, because taking care of it, the baby will gradually get used to responsibility, learn to appreciate and love, eventually he will have a friend. It is especially important to have a pet if you are not yet deciding on a second child. If you are afraid to have a pet because of smells, sounds or any other unpleasant factors at first glance, then think about what is more important to you, whether some rustling or tweeting can prevent your son and daughter from being happy.