Leicestershire Children's Coding Awards after loosening the lockdown-_69917629_69917628.jpg

8-year-old boy who started coding during lockdown Recognized by his school for developing game apps based on lessons.Akhil Akella from Leicestershire Build educational software at home. based on the topic in the classroom

Year 3 students at
Greystoke Primary School in Narborough have been awarded the school's trust.He said this acceptance meant that the time he spent writing that code. "Received"

Computer code is a set of rules or instructions. which consists of words and numbers which when sorted in the correct order It tells your computer what you want it to do.Akhil said he started watching videos on how to do it last year.

I got into the last lockdown because I was so boredafter going back to school He started developing apps based on subjects he studied, such as mathematics and the solar system. and share with friends and teachers.Akhil was nominated for a Science,