Need to get your terms straight...
Originally Posted by stonerock
The canon 350D has a 14fps burst- what does this mean? I wanna do sport photography- what is a good entry level Digital SLR?
This was taken from the Canon site:
"Fast 3 frames-per-second shooting with a 14 frame burst..."
So yes, as a few others have mentioned, the camera shoots 3 fps up to a TOTAL of 14 frames. "Burst" refers to the total number of frames at a given rate. After you reach that fourteenth frame, the camera will pause to process all the shot image files before letting you shoot again...
And, to answer your question, that rate and burst is decent enough, but if you're going to be shooting action sports, you might find it a little constraining. Still, to do much better, you'e going to have to spend quite a bit more money...
Re: Need to get your terms straight...
Originally Posted by Asylum Steve
And, to answer your question, that rate and burst is decent enough, but if you're going to be shooting action sports, you might find it a little constraining. Still, to do much better, you'e going to have to spend quite a bit more money...
Yes, basically frames per second goes up as you go up the product line. If you line up all of the current production cameras, you will see a direct link between fps and price. The more you give, the more you get. The 350D's fps rate is right in line with other cameras in the same price range, if not a smidge higher.