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Thread: Wedding bells

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Wedding bells


    I've just been asked by a friend to bring my camera (Nikon D40x) to his wedding this weekend and take some shots throughout the day. Their photographer has cried off at the eleventh hour and they can't find a replacement so they've asked me because I take some nice pictures, some of which I've gifted them. The problem is, all my stuff is done out in the forest or up in the hills, landscapes etc and I do get some nice results but I have no experience of shooting indoors. I have a pretty good flash attachment but no light meter, no tripod and just a couple of Nikkor lenses, 18-55mm and 55-200mm.

    I could really use some tips for setting up with what i have, to get some decent images under conditions i'm not familiar with. For instance, when they get to signing the book thing in that little room at the back of the church and then generally indoors at the reception, cutting cake etc. I could just stick it on idiot mode i suppose and hope for the best but if anyone has the time and inclination to throw some tips at this, i'd be more than grateful


  2. #2
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Wedding bells

    tripod and light meter isn't all that necesary.

    Go to the church/place where their wedding is and get a feel for how light it is, check what you will want to be metering at.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Wedding bells

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, I'm amazed at the willingness of people to help on this site. The response was overwhelming, thanks guys! This post can be rendered obsolete now as I'll be travelling today to get to the place which is a couple of hundred miles away and i very much doubt I'll bother checking back, there seems to be little point. Besides, what more could you possibly tell me? you guys must have exhausted your knowledge base already, such has been the level of your response. Cheers, great forum but I doubt i'll use it again.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Wedding bells

    Hey, I had good advice. You need to know the light you are working with, to know what to plan and expect. Know what ISO you should be shooting at, which is probably fairly high considering your f-stop leverage on your consumer grade lens.

    Don't blame us for lack of response, you talk out of two sides of your mouth. In one breath you say 'ah shoot, I don't have a light meter', in another you say 'maybe I'll use a dummy mode'. How are we supposed to respond? Are you aware that using a light meter and using dummy mode are at distant opposite ends of the spectrum? Your 'question' is thus vague and confused.

    You're welcome.

  5. #5
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    San Jose, CA

    Re: Wedding bells

    I would have gladly gave you some advice, but I was working a 15 hour day yesterday and didn't get a chance to see the post until this morning. Because of your second post, it sounds like there is no reason to give you some advice since you won't read it until after.
    Nikon Samurai #21


    Nikon 35mm F1.8, 35 F2, 50mm F1.8, 70-200 F2.8 VR
    Sigma 150mm F2.8 Macro
    Tokina 12-24 F4
    SB900 & SB800 flashes

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