I have a Nikon D3000 that I purchased in March of this year that came with the standard 55mm lens and later bought a Nikkor 55-200mm VR lens for some variety in getting different shots. I have played around with the camera for a few months now, either shooting in the "Auto" mode or choosing the various additional modes on the dial. I've been kind of hesitant to shoot anything in RAW, but have read enough in magazines and on this forum to realize shooting in RAW is the best avenue to eventually master getting quality photos. I have a 2 gig card in the camera, which I figure should be OK to start shooting in RAW. I'm not sure how many images I would get on this size card, but I can always buy a bigger card if need be.

Now, I'm not real clear on the "adjusting the shot" after it's been downloaded on to the computer (I use an iMac). I have Adobe Creative Suite CS3 that I use for my graphic design work. Has anyone used Photoshop for the adjustments to their pics? Is there a usual 1-2-3 method of "adjust this first, this second, etc" that I can try to get in the habit of in converting RAW images, so I don't leave something out?

I know this camera is not the best, but for my purposes it should work well enough for me. I've taken photography classes using 35mm B&W film and learned composition and lighting, ISO, depth of field and shutter speed settings. However, I have little or no exposure to the complex world of shooting RAW and then manipulating the image afterwards. If anyone can give me a few ground rules as a foundation to start trying it all out, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! :thumbsup: