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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Wearing a mask will become The restrictions are set to end in England on 19 July, but companies and individuals seem to have interpreted the change differently.For example,

some airlines insist that slotxo masks will remain in effect after July 19, and shops, pubs and hair salons are changing their policies.The World Health Organization continues to recommend that masks should be worn on public transport, in shops and in crowded places. And what was the intention of the day after the government announced?

Airlines: A few reasons to change policy

Ryanair said masks are essential regardless of the departure destination. The spokesman added that this was in line with current recommendations from the EU Aviation Safety Agency and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

British Airways said it did not see a reason to change existing rules. causing employees and customers to wear masks But said that the policy is still under constant review.EasyJet and Virgin have also told customers that at least Passengers should continue to wear them.