• 04-07-2004, 09:12 AM
    My first impressions of the Canon 10D
    I just bought my Canon 10D last night after selling the rest of my beloved Nikon equipment. I am surprised on how light everything is. I have the Canon 16-35 lens and it's considerably lighter than the Nikon 17-35, as well as, the Canon 70-200 IS lens is much lighter than the Nikon equivalent. That's helpful.

    I only shot a couple of images so I cannot really say much about that yet, but it will take me some time to get used to all of the Custom Menu choices. I was so used to having Rear Curtain Sync based on a quick button and turn of the dial when I was using Nikon, and now it will take, Menu-Custom Menu-Custom Menu #xx, then ready to go.

    Overall, I think it will be a positive transition once I get a big print to verify the image quality. Still the biggest positive is the weight, and the image quality has already been well established so we will see.


  • 04-07-2004, 09:18 AM

    Originally Posted by racingpinarello
    I just bought my Canon 10D last night after selling the rest of my beloved Nikon equipment. I am surprised on how light everything is. I have the Canon 16-35 lens and it's considerably lighter than the Nikon 17-35, as well as, the Canon 70-200 IS lens is much lighter than the Nikon equivalent. That's helpful.

    I only shot a couple of images so I cannot really say much about that yet, but it will take me some time to get used to all of the Custom Menu choices. I was so used to having Rear Curtain Sync based on a quick button and turn of the dial when I was using Nikon, and now it will take, Menu-Custom Menu-Custom Menu #xx, then ready to go.

    Overall, I think it will be a positive transition once I get a big print to verify the image quality. Still the biggest positive is the weight, and the image quality has already been well established so we will see.




    Did you get the 550ex? The 10D's menu setting is only for the built-in flash, the 550ex has its own dedicated rear-sync function which is much quicker to turn on than the menu.

    BTW, welcome to high speed sync with a consumer body!!! :D I was messing around with it yesterday, and there is nothign cooler than 1/4000 flash sync in broad daylight.
  • 04-07-2004, 09:20 AM
    Tell me more about the high speed sync. How far away were you and what ISO were you using? I pretty much never use high speed sync because you have to be so close.
  • 04-07-2004, 09:25 AM

    Originally Posted by Photo-John
    Tell me more about the high speed sync. How far away were you and what ISO were you using? I pretty much never use high speed sync because you have to be so close.

    I was using it for wide-angle stuff, so I was pretty close. Maybe 5-10 feet? I was mainly using shutter speeds between 500-2000. This was not for action, but instead for creative effect, making day look like night sort of stuff. I will post some samples.

    EDIT: I was also using manual zoom to focus the light more, increasing its range. At 17mm I had the flash set at 50. SO if you were to use it at 24mm or with the diffuser, it would be redcued even further.
  • 04-07-2004, 09:59 AM
    Good to know about the 550EX

    Originally Posted by Sebastian

    Did you get the 550ex? The 10D's menu setting is only for the built-in flash, the 550ex has its own dedicated rear-sync function which is much quicker to turn on than the menu.

    BTW, welcome to high speed sync with a consumer body!!! :D I was messing around with it yesterday, and there is nothign cooler than 1/4000 flash sync in broad daylight.

    I have the Metz-54-3, and hopefully once I get that Canon module hopefully it will work with the on flash rear sync mode. I may get the 550EX just to make it 100% Canon compatible, but hopefully I don't have too. I am just glad that the 550Ex is a good option for me. Good reviews.

    It's funny that when I used the camera, the menu reminded me of the Canon G3.
    another note..it's nice to have both Srgb, and Adobe 1998 color spaces. Looking forward to playing around with it this weekend and seeing what I can do with it.

  • 04-07-2004, 10:38 AM

    Here's a sample.

    1/400. f/5.6, ISO 100.

    Had the flash zoom set at 50mm to vignette around her. Just messing around, but the sun was still quite a bit over the horizon, it was definitely bright.

    I wish I had some action samples to show you, I'll work on that, there is a nearby skate park.

  • 04-07-2004, 11:50 AM
    Yeah, I've used it like this. It's the 4000th sec. post that got me interested.

    Here's something interesting - if you use radio slaves, you can get much faster sync speeds than when the flash is wired to the camera. I've shot well over the 1/500th sync of the 1D when I'm using the radio slaves.

    Thanks for posting the sample. It's nice.
  • 04-07-2004, 12:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Photo-John
    Yeah, I've used it like this. It's the 4000th sec. post that got me interested.

    Here's something interesting - if you use radio slaves, you can get much faster sync speeds than when the flash is wired to the camera. I've shot well over the 1/500th sync of the 1D when I'm using the radio slaves.

    Thanks for posting the sample. It's nice.

    AH, no, I don't have any of the 1/4000 ones. I took a few of stupid stuff like a birdcage, but I deleted them. You know, I don't remember if they were exposed properly or not, I think I was shooting them at f/8.

    I'll try it out on some legitimate subjets, you have got me thinking now...