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  1. #1
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Does this exist?

    Is there a camera or adapters for a camera so that it can have:
    wireless file transfer -
    GPS tagging of files
    preferably not too heavy. or expensive. I know that the Canon WFT-E2 Wireless Transmitter will do this for an EOS-1D Mark III, but that really blows the budget.
    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur

  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: Does this exist?

    One solution is to use an 'Eye-Fi Geo X2' SD Memory Card.

    Of course you camera has to support SD and I believe SDHC format to make this work. There are a couple of service issues possibly in Australia, not sure, that might limit part of the features.
    Eye-Fi has other product as well that might be a partial lower cost solution!

    I've seem add on battery pack grips that claim to provide all the features of the Canon Wireless series, but the quality of them seems lacking.

    Depending on the market there are compacts and/or P/S that have some of these features built-in a model or two.

    There are some newer model cell phone devices including iphones and Androids that have a built in camera that do all of this, and more.

    Several GPS tagging solutions for DSLR's are hot shoe mountable but the integration with the images varies from seamless to 'lots of work'. Success may also depend upon the camera you use (unless you can buy a specific model) as to whether they support writing a file marker with the image that can be read later by external software.

    How much budget you have may be the key. Here also is the link to the PR article about the Eye-Fi products.

    Eye-Fi Connect X2 and Explore X2 Wireless SD Memory Cards
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  3. #3
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

    Re: Does this exist?

    budget is roughly less than the cost of a nikon d3000 plus a high end ultra ultra portable pc. I saw a demo for a system last week that was fairly impressive for what it does but I think the system could be made better with existing technologies. I can't really reveal more than that as there are confidentialities with the sysyem but it is cumbersome at best. The other thing is that this needs to be easy for a non photographer to use and like I said preferably light. No reason that a good compact camera couldn't do the job either, it doesn't need to be an slr and it doesn't really need the geotaging but that would take the system to the next level.
    Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur

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