BaLens useful or not?

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  • 11-25-2011, 07:14 PM
    BaLens useful or not?
    I have a Nikon D7000. I have read mixed reviews on the BaLens. Some love it, others say the camera does a better job of assessing WB without the BaLens. Would that be the case for my Nikon D7000 or were the people who did not like it inexperienced in its use?
  • 11-25-2011, 09:16 PM
    Re: BaLens useful or not?
    People who complain about the automatic white balance... lol... well, don't do it auto. The D7000 is a killer kit, it does a great job. Auto white balance is a limited function, learn what white balance is so you don't have to worry about the reliability of the cameras ability to do it for you. Its really simple, theres a kelvin scale, and there is a tint scale, and further, since you're shooting raw you can change the white balance after you shoot without altering the image.