Re: 10d Flash reccomendation
Originally Posted by skery
The thread below about the 20d flash reccomendation and whether the 580 or 550 was the way to go sparked a different question of my own. I didn't want to thread crap that thread.
I recently got a 10d to supplement my film 10s. I have a 430ez speedlite... Someone in the other thread mentioned problem with the 420ex is going with manual is difficult with that flash. For that reason they reccommend going with the 550 or 580 (the e-ttl 2 is at this point anyway a nonissue).
My question, I suppose is, would I be okay going with the 420, and using my 430 when I want more manual control? or should I try to sell my 430 and get the 550/580?
Has anyone used the 430 on the 10d? I haven't tried mine yet, the manual only scares me a bit at this point... :)
I know this is a rather strange question, but I"ve been going back and forth between the 420 and 550 for a while now. I am very much an amateur enthusiast, and will forever be, I keep thinking the 420 would suffice, but I keep getting dragged into the specs and functions of the 550...
another side question, would my 430 be better suited to the 10s, because of the a-ttl, and the 550/420 etc. be incompatible with it?
any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I could be wrong, but I don't think the EZ flashes will work at all on the digital cameras. I know the ringlight ML-3 doesn't, and that is an EZ flash.
Re: 10d Flash reccomendation
I could be wrong, but I don't think the EZ flashes will work at all on the digital cameras. I know the ringlight ML-3 doesn't, and that is an EZ flash.
my understanding is that it would be manual only. Anyone know for sure? I suppose I could go home and try it and report back... any tips on how to do manual flash exposure? I'm having a bad enough time with the built in flash on the 10d...
Re: 10d Flash reccomendation
Originally Posted by skery
my understanding is that it would be manual only. Anyone know for sure? I suppose I could go home and try it and report back... any tips on how to do manual flash exposure? I'm having a bad enough time with the built in flash on the 10d...
My limited experience with the ML-3 flash was that the flash wouldn't trigger at all, in any mode. Whether or not that extends to all EZ flashes, I don't know. It's possible the 430EZ could be used in manual mode, but remember, this is digital media we're talking about, not print film, with the exposure latitude of slide film. Not the most forgiving situation for shooting manually with flash.
Re: 10d Flash reccomendation
yep, you're right. I had read that it should work, but I can't get it to do anything... not sure why it fired the one time. I guess I definitely need a new flash now.
Re: 10d Flash reccomendation
The EZ series of flashes won't work with the current 10D and 20D cameras at all, sell it and get either the 550EX or if you can afford it the 580EX for full control. The 580EX has faster recycle times and also is not as savage on batteries as well, with all the reading I have done about lighting recently.
The Sunpak 5000AF also works with the 10D in TTL mode and gives you most of the options that the Canon 550EX has as well.
Hope that helps you make the right decision.
Re: 10d Flash reccomendation
thanks, that's what I'm thinking at this point... I'll probably end up with the 580. I might not be able to use the ettl 2 now, but you never know about the future! I like the batteries and faster warm up too...
thanks for the help!