what is most powerful camera?
Hi, im new here, just a beginner at photography.just out of curiosity what camera has the highest megapixels one can purchase. price is no limit. and also for non commercial. film and digital
thank you.
Re: what is most powerful camera?
The highest megapixel count in a P&S type I believe is the 14MP Canon G10, in a DSLR it's the 24MP Sony a900, and in medium format Hasselblad has a 50MP back (and good thing price is no limit for you, this thing is $27,000!). I'm not sure what you mean by "non commercial" and I didn't list any film products because film doesn't directly translate to MP. But generally, as with digital sensors, the bigger the better. So large format film takes the cake for the film category.
Though I hope you are not asking this to base a purchasing decision on. More pixels isn't necessarily better. It's an issue of quality vs. quantity. I'm really concerned about the G10. So many pixels on such a tiny sensor. The G's have suffered from noise issues with fewer MP in the past, so I'm afraid 14MP is going to compound the problem.
Re: what is most powerful camera?
What exactly do you mean by powerful? Resolution, speed, image quality etc?
Re: what is most powerful camera?
Simple....its the one you have in your hands.