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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Belfast, Northern Ireland

    Looking for a new camera.

    Hi there! I'm hoping to do a lot of travelling and really need a 10+ MP, preferably 3" LCD screen digital camera that will take very crisp and vivid photos for sight seeing and of groups of people. It should also have the ability to take very good photos from zoom for when I'm at football/basketball/baseball games as well as take good quality movies. Looking to spend roughly $400 excluding tax and shouldn't really be too bulky. Basically the usual, but I thought I'd try and give as much information as possible. Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated as I am a massive novice. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    I haven't looked at the Canon G10, but the Canon G9 almost meets the spec.
    I'm not sure how close you'd be at your games, I suspect the 6x zoom might not be enough.

    Otherwise it shoots pretty good movies (see my blog) and takes excellent photos.
    It will take the Canon flashes and accessories, so if the in built flash isn't good enough, you have lots of options.
    The G9 prices should be dropping as the G10 is now in the shops at $470 or so.
    I got my G9 for $449 nearly a year ago.

    I assume the dollars-for-pounds rule applies in Belfast too
    I decided to buy while I was in Vegas at the PMA exhibition rather than here in Oxford ...

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Belfast, Northern Ireland

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by SmartWombat
    I haven't looked at the Canon G10, but the Canon G9 almost meets the spec.
    I'm not sure how close you'd be at your games, I suspect the 6x zoom might not be enough.

    Otherwise it shoots pretty good movies (see my blog) and takes excellent photos.
    It will take the Canon flashes and accessories, so if the in built flash isn't good enough, you have lots of options.
    The G9 prices should be dropping as the G10 is now in the shops at $470 or so.
    I got my G9 for $449 nearly a year ago.

    I assume the dollars-for-pounds rule applies in Belfast too
    I decided to buy while I was in Vegas at the PMA exhibition rather than here in Oxford ...
    That's great thanks, but I'm trying to get something a little bit more slim/compact, something I can take out at weekends. Sorry I know it's not really photography, it's for social things, sight seeing, football games, the usual student things. I'm actually in Texas at a University for a study abroad year, can usually be found in Belfast though.

  4. #4
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Hm, the reason I suggested the G9 is because it fits in my pocket (no it's not reinforced or anything) and it has RAW mode and full manual controls, but also has the usual P&S full auto mode.

    If it's just a usual P&S, well there are more out there then you can shake a stick at !
    Sounds like you might want a camera with wide angle lens, for groups of people close up in confined spaces (bars, clubs etc) or I could be way off there.
    Do you want an external flash hotshoe so you can use a bigger flash indoors?
    Or will the little flash built in to the camera do?
    Do you want an optical viewfinder, as well as the screen on the back?
    Do you want it really slim, to go into a shirt pocket?
    Or just the more usual 1.5cm or so?

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  5. #5
    Junior Member NYArtboy's Avatar
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    Brooklyn NY

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    P.S. I just looked up the Canon G10 specs. The size is 4.30 x 3.06 x 1.81 in. That is pretty small. Dont let the pics fool you.

    Here is a good blog on it as well. Although I would spring for the G10 for the upgrades.

  6. #6
    Junior Member NYArtboy's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Paul is right. For what you want to spend the G10 would be the way to go. Nikon is also release a similar sized and spec'd model called the Nikon Coolpix P6000 (replaces the P5100) but i think its slated to release this month so not sure about the availability. If you really want to get smaller then this camera you will compromise quality a tad. To go really small I would recommend the Canon SD790. I can fit mine (SD750) in my jeans. Its smaller then some cell phones and shoots 10 MP with video. No Raw setting and only 3x optical zoom (digital zoom goes higher but its not very good) I love mine and take it everywhere. Large 3" LCD as well ;) Wide angle gets close to 28mm from what I remember.

  7. #7
    Member byjamesderuvoDHQ's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA USA

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    I disagree on the G10. First off, saying you want 10MP in a camera is falling into the "more MP is better" myth. It isn't. In fact, MP above 6 will actually make a CCD chip LESS sensitive to light, not more as those tiny CCD chips get squeezed with more and more MP, making it harder for the light and detail to be registered on the chip and inviting more noise to the party in low light conditions. In addition, I've read some early users complain about purple fringing in the G10.

    Now, the G9/G10 may be the exception to this because they have larger DSLR style chips in them, thereby giving those MP more "wiggle room" to take those pictures. But the different in MP between the G9 and G10 is so marginal, you won't even see the difference in a snapshot, so why pay more? Especially when the G10 means the G9 has enjoyed a price drop.

    And in reality, any MP above 6 won't even be noticed in a snapshot photograph - which will be 99% of the average camera picture taking. A camera like the G9 or G10 will only show an advantage in MP in photo sizes above 8x10.

    So it's kinda like thinking about buying a Ferrari to drive around town. Sure, you can do it, but it won't get you where you're doing any faster than a minivan.

  8. #8
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by byjamesderuvoDHQ
    Now, the G9/G10 may be the exception to this because they have larger DSLR style chips in them, thereby giving those MP more "wiggle room" to take those pictures.
    That's not quite accurate. The G9 and G10 have larger sensors than most compact digital cameras. But they're still tony compared to the APS-C sensors in most digital SLRs.

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  9. #9
    Junior Member NYArtboy's Avatar
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    Brooklyn NY

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Hey James, didn't you post something on another spread suggesting the G9? I mean look at what the guy is looking for. MP or not, his needs and price points to a G9 or G10 doesn't it? Also if you don't agree, offer up what you would get for $400 and the same needs.

  10. #10
    Member byjamesderuvoDHQ's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA USA

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Sure. They have larger sensors, and that gives the MP some wiggle room in the G9 to soak in the light. But what did Canon do with the G10? Add another 4MP. Stuffing more into it. And I'm hearing complaints to purple fringing and noise at high ISO. So a having a larger sensor isn't a permanent innoculant against the issue I'm speaking of.

    I did suggest the G9. Because 1) it has fewer MP which can take advantage of the larger ccd and b) for 99.9% of pictures taken that end up being snapshots (4x6 prints), you simply will not see the extra MP that the G10 offers until you blow up the image to 11x14 and above.

    What else would I suggest? Spend a little more and buy a Rebel XS.

  11. #11
    Junior Member NYArtboy's Avatar
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    Brooklyn NY

    Re: Looking for a new camera.

    Ah ok! I understand your point now. Thanks for clearing that up!

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