• 05-11-2004, 08:23 PM
    Help in chosing a digital slr
    I am an amateur photographer needing to replace my nikon n65. I have been researching both the d70 and d100. I have a sb50dx speedlight and see that it is compatible with the d100 but not the d70. Is this correct? Is an additional speedlight typically necessary with a digital slr? My main photography interests are taking pictures of my children both outdoors and indoors. Thanks for any help!
  • 05-12-2004, 10:59 AM
    Old Timer
    Need to check...
    I am not an expert by any means on this sugject, but since no one has responded to your request let me just throw in my 2 cents worth. First you need to check the review section here at PR and learn as much about the two camera as possible. That said let me say that I have owned the D70 now for about three week and love it. It has been very easy to learn to use this camera, with very exceptable results. You are right that the SB50DX is not fully compatible with the D70 but can be used in some modes. (Lots written about this check other post) The D100 is little sturdier made body, but the D70 has a great feel in your hands and has a larger buffer. Both are compatible with all the Nikon AF lenses, I would recommend the kit lense (18-70mmDX) it gives you a great range and will serve well as a standard lense on this camera. The shutter on the D70 has a very quick response and should serve you well keeping up with fast moving children. The D70 battery life is excellent and to date one battery has been all I have needed with a two hour charge time it is a dream. Good luck what ever you decide to purchase and post some pictures and let us know how you like your new digital toy.


    Originally Posted by RachelleFav
    I am an amateur photographer needing to replace my nikon n65. I have been researching both the d70 and d100. I have a sb50dx speedlight and see that it is compatible with the d100 but not the d70. Is this correct? Is an additional speedlight typically necessary with a digital slr? My main photography interests are taking pictures of my children both outdoors and indoors. Thanks for any help!

  • 05-12-2004, 11:04 AM
    Thanks for your reply. I'm really at a loss. I am searching online and I'm not quite sure what one needs to start with as far as accessories go. I've seen some sold online but they are the camera body only. Can you help with this?
  • 05-12-2004, 12:02 PM
    Old Timer
    Most Nikon Dealers
    Most Nikon dealers are selling the D70 Kit that includes the 18-70 lense for the Nikon suggested price of $1299.95. I just checked B&H on line and they are showing out of stock on this item. They have been very hot item since becoming available about 6 weeks or so ago. My local camera store called me yesterday to say they had just gotten another shipment in, I however had already been able to purchase one from another source. Your best bet would be to check the PR sponsors online to see if any have them have it in stock at this time or call you local dealers and ask about availablity. When I decided to buy the D70, I put myself on two or three waiting list, all have since called to say they had additional stocks arrive but have since sold out again. Sorry but that is about all the help I call be on this matter. By the way the purchase of the camera/lense kit is about a $200 savings over buying separately.


    Originally Posted by RachelleFav
    Thanks for your reply. I'm really at a loss. I am searching online and I'm not quite sure what one needs to start with as far as accessories go. I've seen some sold online but they are the camera body only. Can you help with this?

  • 05-12-2004, 12:59 PM
    Thanks. Did you have to buy the compact flash I had read about or is the speedlight already on the camera suitable for use? Does it typically come with a media card of sorts?
  • 05-12-2004, 04:38 PM
    Old Timer

    Originally Posted by RachelleFav
    Thanks. Did you have to buy the compact flash I had read about or is the speedlight already on the camera suitable for use? Does it typically come with a media card of sorts?

    The CompactFlash card is the media that the image is recorded on. It is not included with the camera. They come in several different capicities. I would not suggest getting any thing smaller than a 256mg card. The number of image it will store depends on the camera setting for image quality. The speed light or external flash that you are refering to is another extra that can be very useful, but the built in speedlight can serve you well in many situations while learning to use your camera. Hope this explanation helps.
  • 05-12-2004, 04:51 PM
    Great info...
    thanks again. You've been a great help.