So, how do you make money while you sleep? The good news is that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel with passive income ideas, and you have plenty of free educational resources to help you learn how to create it. But let’s get something straight – most passive income takes a lot of work to set up. There are very few ways to make serious money with no effort. But there ARE a ton of ways to make A LOT of money over time by putting in the upfront effort.

Yes, it takes initial effort and money to start building a passive income. Investment of money, investment of time, and for most passive income streams, both! Over time though, as you stack up multiple passive streams, your income starts snowballing. With each new investment, you’ll see more money coming in every month. Eventually, your passive income streams bring in enough money to cover your expenses. At that point, you’ve reached financial independence: you are no longer dependent on your 9-5 job to live. You can retire in your 30s or wait until your 80s.

So, how do you get started investing all that money you’re saving? What are your options for passive income investments? The following passive income ideas run the gamut from easy to difficult, low-return to high, high-risk to low. As you peruse the list, pick two or three that jump out at you. Don’t try to invest in more than that for now – most of these passive income investments have a learning curve, and if you bite off more than two or three, you’ll find yourself with too much to chew.

In all seriousness, here are some practical tips on how to make passive income this year, whether you have some money saved or very little money to start with. If you have a little saved up, here are some smart passive income investments to check out. If you have nothing but your own ingenuity, here’s how to create passive income with no money and set yourself up for a potential payout in a few months or years.