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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: A little help

    Hi, I bought a sony cybershot s680...used it 5 months and I started getting file error and my pics were gone. It finally just quit!

    So I bought a samsung...have had it a month and I get file error on that one too. Picture gone.

    We do foreclosure cleanouts, and cannot afford to lose ANY pics as they require certain pics in able for us to get paid.

    I cant afford an expensive camera right now. We were looking at the nikon coolpix, or the canon powershot. But in reading, these have the same problem.

    What camera can I buy that will not have this problem? Or is there one. LOL

  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: File Error With Two Cameras

    I moved your post and made it into its own thread. I hope you don't mind. You weren't going to get much attention buried inside that other discussion.

    That is strange that you've had a "file error" with two different cameras. I have used tons of digital cameras and never had a camera completely fail on my like that. A file error might actually be a memory card problem and not a camera problem. Did you ever try a different memory card? Did you reformat the memory card in the camera after you downloaded the photos?

    It really sounds to me like you've just had some bad luck. You shouldn't need an expensive camera and I would be amazed if this happened to you again. Let me know about the memory card questions above. I think Canon compact cameras are the best because they have the best iage quality. But I don't think you should have any camera fail the way that you've described.

    Hope that helps-

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  3. #3
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    wa state

    Re: File Error With Two Cameras

    I was thinking memory card, too. Did you format them?
    The cameras should have a warranty longer than the time you used them.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

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