Canon G3
I was in Ebay to-day and came across a Canon G3. The only thing with this is, that it was missing components ie. adapter, usb cable, manual, lens cap. The store that is selling this camera can't find it's accessories, so their selling it on ebay. They are selling it AS IS, what do you think? Right now it's selling for $75 CDN., there is still 6 days left though.
I read the reviews on this camera, and like all other reviews there is always a but.
Thanks for you input
Might be stolen as well, hence the missing accessories. Buyer beware but the price id very very good. Mine cost me $1,290Aus when I purchased it and that is a wholesale price.
And there is always a but. The but being, it isn't as fast taking images as a Digital SLR is, hence why I purchased my EOS 10D. Still use the G3 where necessary and the wife uses it all the time, likes that she isn't wasting film with silly stupid shots she didn't even know she took accidentally.
Excellent P&S camera
Hi Barb,
I have the G3 as my 2nd camera - it used to be my only digital. It is excellent - one of the best digital P&S out there. The images are sharp, it has many features including a flexible LCD screen, auto & manual options, etc.
$75 is really an excellent price - this camera is still selling new for a little less than $500. I only know one place that has any left - used are over $300.
The big concern is who you are buying this from on Ebay - do they have a history? Check their history and return policy. For $75 I doubt if you could return it. It's a risk, but I would probably take the risk. However, you're out $75 if it doesn't work. Sorry if I wasn't any help. I think it depends on who is selling it - and if they are reputable with a history. :confused:
Originally Posted by barb_48
I was in Ebay to-day and came across a Canon G3. The only thing with this is, that it was missing components ie. adapter, usb cable, manual, lens cap. The store that is selling this camera can't find it's accessories, so their selling it on ebay. They are selling it AS IS, what do you think? Right now it's selling for $75 CDN., there is still 6 days left though.
I read the reviews on this camera, and like all other reviews there is always a but.
Thanks for you input
Canon G3
I should of mentioned that the camera is being sold by a camera store. They have a chain of stores in southern Ontario. The camera is being sold as is, and yes I realize I could loose money.
I reviewed the camera and it sounds good but not great. Picture quality I read is soft, is this true?
Or maybe I will have to save up and buy something better.
Could be good
You can't predict the seling price, this early. With 6 days left, you can expect the price to go much, much higher. No doubt, it's gonna jump right at the end of the auction.
If it's a legitimate dealer, and they'll give you some sort of guarantee that it works, then it could end up being a great deal. It all depends on what you pay. You can easily buy another lens cap, a card reader instead of the USB cable, and buy a battery charger. You might get a great deal.
The image quality of the G3 isn't an issue. It's an excellent camera and it was one of the top ten compact digitals on this site, while it was current. There are actually a lot of people who would rather have the G3 than Canon's current camera, the G5.
So it all comes down to price. My advice is to decide what you're willing to pay. Then go back to the auction on the last day and put your bid in, near the end of the acution. But don't get caught up in the excitement. And don't expect it to sell for $75.
Price is more than I want to pay for a "AS IS" camera.