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siberia1997 Avoiding condensation (and... 02-22-2005, 04:18 PM
mikishots Re: Avoiding condensation... 03-09-2005, 11:26 PM
  1. #1
    Junior Member siberia1997's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lawrenceville, GA

    Smile Avoiding condensation (and fungus) on digital SLR

    I just bought a 20D (anxiously awaiting its arrival)! My other camera is a Rebel 2000 (film). I've read about some folks who inadvertently developed fungs inside their lenses. (I'm not sure if I've ever heard of anybody getting fungus in the body of their camera.) Having a digital SLR vs. film may not amount to a hill of beans as it relates to the subject of condensation and fungus in the lens and / or body, but what do I need to do in order to ensure that I protect my investment from damage? I've read about people using zip-lock bags (and some other type of bag, but I cannot remember the type). This may be a stupid question, but when do you use the zip-lock? Before going into an environment with a drastic change in temp? How much is not enough temp change to worry about? How long do I keep it in the plastic bag? What about the lens cap? On or off while heating up or cooling off? Inside or outside of the camera bag? Won't condensation form inside the zip-lock?

    Sorry for all of the dumb questions, but I guess I don't really understand the ins and out of the subject.

    love God - love people

  2. #2
    MikiShots mikishots's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Avoiding condensation (and fungus) on digital SLR

    I use a zip-lock when going from a cold environment into a warm one. If you wear glasses, you know what I mean.

    In winter, I keep a big zip bag in my jacket pocket while I'm out shooting. I use a camera bag to hold my gear while I'm out, because the temperature inside the bag will be very similar to the temperature outside, barring wind chill. Just before I go inside, I place the whole kit into the bag and zip it tight. Then I take it inside a put it down for an hour or so. Condensation will form on the OUTSIDE of the bag (if it forms at all - it doesn't get that cold where I live), because there's still cool air inside the bag. All this is doing is warming the gear controllably while keeping moisture from forming. The lens cap is fine as long as it's warmed at the same controlled rate.

    I had read a story on a fellow that photographs Emperor penguins in unbelievably cold conditions, and he places his gear in a foam ice chest and keeps it outside (after removing batteries of course).

    Hope this helps.

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