I'll try to keep this quick to avoid eye strain and confusion....
Yesterday I was at a Christening, and my girlfriend asked me to bring along my camera. Great I thought, a chance to actually test out my new flash (sorta new anyway).
I had messed with it before, but not a ton, so it was still in "learning mode" for me.
First thing I tried was the auto mode, so I put the camera into "P", had the flash set on ETTL (auto), and according to the manual, this should be as easy as taking non-flash photographs.
Not so. Pictures were way too dark. After playing with the FEC on the flash itself, it seems that I need to get it to +2 to get the shots close to perfect. Luckily I found this out without taking any "real" shots.
I never shoot in the P or Auto modes, or even the scene modes either, I'm almost always in Av, so I figured, better try it out and get it straightened out. Put the camera into Av, set the aperture to f/8, and with the flash still on auto, the camera was telling me that the shutter speed should be over 1 second. I thought maybe it would expose properly when the shutter button was pressed halfway, still no deal. It's like it had no idea I wanted to use the flash for the primary source of light. It did flash, but the shutter was way too long.
I put the flash into M so I could adjust the power manually, the camera kept my f/8, and threw the shutter speed to 1/250, my max sync speed on this camera, just by switching to M on the flash unit.
I then played with the power of the flash and it seemed that by going to about 1/4 power, shots were okay most of the time, but I had to play with it often.
The only setup I have to compare to is the one we use around my office, which is an old Nikon D1 with a Speedlight SB28 flash. Auto on that works great for me, when I adjust aperture, it adjusts flash output (seems to anyway) and shots are usually pretty good.
When I have my Canon in Av mode, and I set the stop to f/8, should it not adjust the shutter speed based on the amount of light that can be produced from the flash?
I read the manual over and over prior and was testing in my apartment briefly off and on, but hadn't really gotten into the "field" to actually find out the quirks.
If it matters, camera was in Eval metering, ISO 400, lens was 17-40 f/4L.
I am reading through bookmarks that I had saved about mastering the EX series flashes, and am trying to find my answer.
Sorry for the long spew of words, I really did try to cut it down! The main issue was the auto not being auto, because when I gave the camera to my girlfriend for a few shots, I couldn't just tell her to put it on auto and go to town, I had to fiddle with it and hope the shots turned out okay. She's a point and shoot person, so I have to actually have the option to go to auto here and there.
Thanks in advance,
ps - thank goodness for digital right now!!
edit - was using an Omni-Bounce diffuser the entire time too, wasn't trying to bounce-flash just yet. Seems to need full power on the flash when you point it up, and didn't want another variable for the day.